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Illustrative masterplan

Key milestone reached in the construction plans for Attleborough Sustainable Urban Extension

January 17, 2023

Breckland District Council have approved a Design Code and Structuring Plan for the Attleborough Sustainable Urban Extension, which was submitted by Homes England in order to facilitate the construction of the 4,000 home development south of the Norfolk market town.

Design Code and Structuring Plan documents sets the standards for developers who will build homes and community infrastructure on the site. This includes specific details concerning the look of new homes, character areas, the layout of the proposed link road and more to make up a masterplan.

To ensure a better link road layout, more capacity for drainage to take into account climate change, and consideration of nutrient neutrality. The two documents were submitted with a number of minor changes to previously agreed plans.

Phase one, which includes up to 1,999 homes, a new local centre, part of the proposed new link road and linear park is Homes England’s responsibility.

Susanna Strandell, Senior Planning Manager at Homes England, said:
“The approval of these documents is a major step in unlocking the construction of the Attleborough SUE, and will now allow us to push on with the submission of detailed planning applications for infrastructure.

“In the coming weeks, Homes England will be submitting our first detailed application, which will enable the early construction of a new road through phase one and the new local centre. This will unlock the development for construction partners to get on with building new homes to meet local need.”

The proposed new local centre will include a community space, healthcare, convenience store and a two-form entry primary school.

Susanna Strandell continues:
“Homes England is committed to continuing our positive collaboration with the local authority, Norfolk County Council, Attleborough Town Council, other landowners and local residents, to realise the ambitions set out in the outline planning application and the vision that was shared with stakeholders.”

For more information, contact the project team via email

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