Homes England submits planning applications for new pumping station to support Attleborough Sustainable Urban Extension
Homes England has applied for planning permission to construct a Terminal Pumping Station to provide foul water drainage and an associated electricity substation on the site of the Attleborough Sustainable Urban Extension, as well as construction access to the site from Buckenham/Attleborough Road. A Terminal Pumping Station receives wastewater and pumps it forward to a treatment plant for final purification. The new Terminal Pumping Station supports the delivery of up to 4,000 new homes, a link road, two primary schools, local and neighbourhood centres including retail, community facilities and public open space on this strategic development as set out in the Outline Planning Permission granted in 2020.
As an essential piece of infrastructure, the Terminal Pumping Station is required before the occupation of homes on the site.
The planning applications for the pumping station and site access provide further details of the station and its supporting infrastructure including landscaping, associated boundary treatment and surface water drainage, as well as a temporary maintenance access. Once validated by Breckland District Council, the applications can be viewed on the Council’s website and will be subject to a statutory consultation period. Homes England has been working closely with Anglian Water to plan and design this important new infrastructure to meet their operational requirements. Anglian Water will be responsible for constructing and subsequently maintaining the facility.
What is Homes England’s role at Attleborough SUE?
Homes England has acquired the first phase of the Sustainable Urban Extension, which includes the provision of up to 1,199 new homes and the local centre including a one of two new primary schools, a food store, commercial uses, and retirement living as well as part of the new link road to service the development. Homes England’s role is to deliver the infrastructure required to unlock the new development, namely the first part of the link road, utilities, and access points, and will parcel up plots of land within the first phase to be sold on to housebuilders.